#!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################### # # Prepare liftover chains for a "fastLift.pl". Namely, split apart # overlapping chains and sort by chromosome and position. # # Copyright 2010 Philip Johnson. # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, # or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License at for # more details. # ########################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use constant { TNAME => 2, TSTART => 5, TEND => 6, QSTART => 10, QEND => 11, ID => 12 }; $| = 1; my ($chainFile); if (!GetOptions('chain=s' => \$chainFile) || !defined($chainFile)) { print "usage: $0 -chain \n". "\n". "Use to generate input for fastLift.pl. Very inefficent and\n". "slow, but only need to run once. Output is sent to stdout,\n". "so you probably want to redirect to a file.\n". "\n"; exit 1; } my @chainsData; my $chainDat; #load raw UCSC chain file if ($chainFile =~ /.gz$/) { open CHAIN, "zcat $chainFile |" or die $!; } else { open CHAIN, $chainFile or die $!; } while () { next if /^\#/; if (/^c/) { if (defined($chainDat)) { push @chainsData, $chainDat; } my @header = split /\s+/; my ($tName, $tStart, $tEnd, $id); $chainDat = [@header[TNAME, TSTART, TEND, ID], '']; } $chainDat->[4] .= $_ if !/^$/; } if (@{$chainDat}) { push @chainsData, $chainDat; } close CHAIN; #sort @chainsData = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @chainsData; #break into non-overlapping my $changed; my $c = 0; do { $changed = 0; my $numChains = @chainsData; for (my $i = 0; $i < $numChains-1; ++$i) { if ($chainsData[$i+1]->[0] eq $chainsData[$i]->[0] && $chainsData[$i+1]->[1] < $chainsData[$i]->[2]) { #print "splitting at ", $chainsData[$i+1]->[0], ": ", $chainsData[$i+1]->[1], "\n"; push @chainsData, SplitChain($chainsData[$i], $chainsData[$i+1]->[1]); ++$changed; # if ($changed < 10) { # print STDERR "changed id: ", $chainsData[$i]->[3], "\n"; # } } } print STDERR "round we go ", ++$c," ($changed changed)\n"; @chainsData = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } @chainsData; } while ($changed); #print ##WHY DID THIS USE TO BE @chainsData-1 ??? for (my $i = 0; $i < @chainsData; ++$i) { print $chainsData[$i]->[4], "\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub SplitChain { my ($chain, $splitPos) = @_; my @blocks = split /\n/, $chain->[4]; my @header = split /\s+/, $blocks[0]; shift @blocks; my ($tStart, $tEnd, $qStart, $qEnd) = @header[TSTART,TEND, QSTART,QEND]; my ($size, $dt, $dq, $prev_tEnd, $prev_qEnd); ($size, $dt, $dq) = split /\s+/, $blocks[0]; $tEnd = $tStart + $size; $qEnd = $qStart + $size; my $i = 1; for (; $i < @blocks && $tEnd <= $splitPos; ++$i) { ($prev_tEnd, $prev_qEnd) = ($tEnd, $qEnd); $tStart += $size + $dt; $qStart += $size + $dq; ($size, $dt, $dq) = split /\s+/, $blocks[$i]; $tEnd = $tStart + $size; $qEnd = $qStart + $size; } if ($i == 1 || $tEnd <= $splitPos) { #should have split! { print $i, "\n"; print $splitPos, "\t", $tEnd, "\n"; print join(' ', @header), "\n"; print join("\n", @blocks), "\n"; die "bogus"; } --$i; my @newHeader = @header; $newHeader[TSTART] = $tStart; $newHeader[QSTART] = $qStart; if ($newHeader[ID] =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { $newHeader[ID] = $1.'.'.($2+1); } else { $newHeader[ID] .= '.1'; } my @newChain = (@newHeader[TNAME,TSTART,TEND,ID], join("\n", join(' ', @newHeader), @blocks[$i..$#blocks])); $header[TEND] = $prev_tEnd; $header[QEND] = $prev_qEnd; ($size, undef, undef) = split /\s+/, $blocks[$i-1]; $blocks[$i-1] = $size."\n"; @$chain = (@header[TNAME,TSTART,TEND,ID], join("\n", join(' ', @header), @blocks[0..($i-1)])); return \@newChain; }