Phylogenetically isolated from other mammals
monotremes-others | diverged ~190 mya |
marsupials-placentals | diverged ~100 mya |
Unique reproductive patterns
monotremes | egg laying |
marsupials | extremely altricial young, simple placenta |
Common names | platypus and echidna |
Families | Tachiglossidae, Ornithorhynchidae |
# species | 5 |
Distribution | Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea (echidna) |
Dasyurus (quoll) | infant 1/4,250 of adult size |
kangaroo | infant 1/33,400 of adult size |
New classifiation system based on incisor teeth and digits.
# of Genera | 15 |
# of Species | 63 |
Distribution | South America |
# of Genera | 15 |
# of Species | 61 |
Distribution | Australia |
# of Genera | 3 |
# of Species | 15 |
Distribution | Australia |
# of Genera | 11 |
# of Species | 50 |
Distribution | Australia |
Common names | kangaroos, wallabies |
Eutherian | Marsupial |
cat | quoll |
skull |
skull |
flying squirrel | sugar glider |
mole | marsupial moles (fossorial, insectivorous, vestigial eyes, no pinnae, robust forelimbs) |
skull |
wombat (marmot-like teeth, minimal tail) |
skull |
skull video |
Thylacoleo | lion-sized, carnassial pair, retractile claws
artist's rendering fossil skeleton |
Diprotodon | rhino-sized; largest marsupial ever known artist's rendering fossil skeleton |
Thylacosmilus | sabre-tooth cat-like marsupial artist's rendering fossil skull |